VITALITI by Cloud Dx

Medical wearable

Think fitbit x 1000.

Perhaps the greatest challenge of this project was finding a solution for the arms that allowed them to be mold-able (so they move) and form-able (so they stay in the desired shape), while at the same time, protecting the wires in the arms so that if a needle were to puncture the silicone, the wires would be protected. This puncture test is one test the product would need to pass.

Our design achieved both of these requirements. Due to complex geometry, we designed not only the parts but also the process, molds and fixtures to fabricate these working prototypes.

This working prototype is currently in medical trials.

The starting point


We were given the prototype of this wearable “collar” below and asked to deliver a more structurally sound concept that was also manufacturable.


our design

  • Retained the mold-able arms, so the arms can mold to a person’s body and stay in that form. (The blue part is silicone.) This was one of the great features of the previous prototype. However it lacked structural integrity and broke when worn.

  • Perhaps the greatest challenge of this project was finding a solution for the arms that allowed them to be mold-able (so they move) and form-able (so they stay in the desired shape), while at the same time, protecting the wires in the arms so that if a needle were to puncture the silicone, the wires would be protected. This puncture test is one test the product would need to pass.

  • Our solution to this challenge is unique, most likely patent-able and can’t be shared at this time.

  • A note about colour: we made prototypes in a few different colours: all white, white & grey, and white & blue. The client wanted light colours so that any dirt would be visible for cleaning. Unfortunately the client ultimately chose the blue colour to show publicly. (against our recommendation) My guess is it was chosen because it’s the same blue as their logo. I think the blue colour makes the product look like a toy. A more fitting colour combination would be white with gray arms.

  • In order to fabricate our “unique solution” with the complex organic geometry of the collar, we devised a unique process to fabricate 15 prototypes by also designing and fabricating fixtures and molds to make the parts. (above)

  • Our design simplified the overall appearance to reduce excessive parting lines and de-boss details so that dirt doesn’t collect. (unsanitary)

  • 15 working prototypes have been in medical trial for over a year, none have broken, and our client says people love to wear it.